Thursday, March 2, 2023

Top 5 Sources of News and Information

Staying informed and keeping up with current events is of utmost importance in today's world. The evolution of social media platforms in recent years has significantly impacted the way news is consumed. While newspapers and news channels were the primary sources for news in the past, social media has become an invaluable platform for users to access a plethora of options to stay informed. As an individual who has grown up with social media, I have always had accessible sources of news at my fingertips. However with the high amount of information available, it is imperative to identify reliable sources to receive news from. 

Tik Tok has grown in global popularity as a social media app where individuals can watch user-submitted short-form videos. Tik Tok has become the main way I stay up-to-date with current events, however it is definitely not the most reliable source because its algorithm promotes content based on popularity and engagement, not accuracy. 

Snapchat's Explore page presents news in a visually engaging format. It is easy for Snapchat users to access content created by a variety of publishers and media outlets including CNN, NBC News and The Washington Post. The stories highlighted on the Explore page are personalized based on user's viewing history and interests. Individuals are able to consume news content that is fact-checked, reliable, entertaining and engaging. 

Instagram allows users to share news that means something to them using the story feature. I often see my friends post statistics and graphics relating to political movements and news which is relevant to their beliefs. Even though Instagram's explore page has an algorithm that individualizes the content released to each user, it is still an excellent source to find news about current events that may not be presented in traditional news media. 

The Pew Research Center has reported seven-in-ten U.S. adult Twitter news consumers have followed breaking news there. Twitter connects users with politicians, celebrities, and news outlets. As opposed to other social media which is used primarily to connect with friends, people on twitter are avid news consumers and regularly tweet about politics and current events. 

The Skimm is a daily email newsletter which was introduced to me by my junior year history teacher. The newsletter provides subscribers with a short, simple and easy-to-read version of the news. Although the stories are primarily accurate, I have found this source to provide a lot of biased and sponsored content. 

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