Sunday, April 16, 2023

Blog #8

Roger's Diffusion of Innovations helps us describe why certain technologies are adopted and some are not. It is also Dr. Smith's favorite theory. According to the theory's Wikipedia article, the theory was popularized by Everett Rogers in his book Diffusion of Innovations, which was first published in 1962. In this theory, Rogers argues diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated over time among the members of a social system. It is interesting to wonder why certain technologies are adopted and why some are not. 

The new innovation of TikTok has become one of the most popular social media apps in the world. The platform allows users to create and share short videos that are posted into an algorithm with personalized content. Primarily, young people were early adopters of the new technology. Perhaps young people are more comfortable to try new social media platforms such as TikTok because they have grown up with technology and tend to experiment and adapt to it quickly. Older people may be less likely to try new technologies than younger people because of generational or cultural factors. For example, older people may value face-to-face interactions over technological ones. Some people may also chose to try a new technology because they do not see a need for it. For example, individuals might argue if they can already watch videos on platforms such as YouTube, why go through the trouble of trying something new? 

TikTok has caught on and spread globally because of its simplicity and ease of use. It is also attractive to users thanks to its personalization. The platform provides much entertainment value for users thanks to the engaging and enjoyable content placed in the unique algorithms. 

The negatives of TikTok include cyberbullying (users could leave negative comments and make mean-spirited videos), misinformation (fake news is prevalent), privacy concerns (including collecting and sharing user data), distraction (takes time away from other tasks), addiction (the endless feed of the app can potentially affect a person's mental health and productivity), and inappropriate content (such as sexual and violent). 

Privacy may be the main concern for older people who choose not to join social media. In the past, TikTok has faced scrutiny regarding its data privacy practices which include collecting and sharing user's information with third parties. In 2022, hackers claimed "2 billion data records" had been stolen. TikTok stated that users did not need to take any proactive actions, however journalists suggested users change their passwords and ensure they have two-factor authentication activated as an extra layer of protection.

To conclude, Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations theory provides insight into the process by which new technologies are adopted by society.   TikTok, a popular social media app, has gained popularity due to its ease of use and personalized content. However, there are some drawbacks to the app, such as privacy concerns, cyberbullying, misinformation, addiction, distraction, and inappropriate content. As technology advances, it is critical to consider both the positive and negative consequences of new innovations and make informed decisions about their use.

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