Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Final Blog Post: My Relationship with Technology

Since I began my time at High Point University, my relationship with technology has changed in multiple ways. Screen Time is a feature introduced by Apple in the past couple years that allows users to access real-time reports that exhibit how much time he or she spends across devices. The time I spend on my phone has definitely decreased since move-in day. I believe this is because I am spending more time working on assignments and enjoying quality time with friends rather than just scrolling on my phone. Screen Time has a feature that shows how much time I spend on each app per day. 

TikTok is the app I spend the most amount of time on. I don’t view TikTok as an app to connect with friends as I primarily engage in videos that are created by content creators, large entertainment corporations, and celebrities. I love watching videos on TikTok because I see content that matches my interests thanks to the platform’s highly advanced algorithm. My feed is composed of content in the beauty genre, which includes content related to makeup, skincare, shopping, fashion, and haircare. 

TikTok has created overnight celebrities such as Charli D’Amelio, who has become a household name and even won Dancing With The Stars. My favorite content creator on the platform is Alix Earle, a senior at The University of Miami who is known for her “Get Ready With Me” styled videos. I love to watch Alix’s content because she comes across as very relatable and her videos feel like just talking with a friend. 

According to Merriam-Webster, an influencer is a person who is able to generate interest in something (such as a consumer product) by posting about it on social media. Alix perfectly fits this description. She has influenced me to try different makeup techniques and buy so many different beauty products. Before Alix’s rise to fame, I never really believed influencers opinions or reviews, however, due to her relatable content and seemingly honest opinions I am persuaded by Alix’s reviews and have purchased many of her recommended items. Her effect on my life is an example of the power of influencers to persuade viewers to make purchases. 

Alix’s Amazon Storefront has become notorious. As a member of the Amazon Influencer Program, Alix has monetized her social media content by sharing a customized storefront URL which contains affiliate links to products she has selected and are featured in her content. This makes it easier for Alix’s fans such as myself to find items she recommends and allows Alix to earn additional revenue from a personalized platform.  

Pinterest is another app I spend a majority of my screen time on. This popular platform is probably my favorite social media site. I love to scroll through the app and find fashion inspiration. It is a great resource to find pictures of outfits that follow current trends and styles. By using the boards feature, all my fashion pins can be organized how I wish. 

I think my relationship with technology has become much more healthy over the past year. It is impossible to completely detach myself from my phone, as I rely on it for everyday tasks such as ordering food using the High Point University app and connecting with family back home. I believe the fact that technology may be misleading users and providing misleading information is an accepted part of the society we live in in my generation. It is unfortunate that older individuals seem to be the people who fall victim to scams and fake news, however my younger generation has adapted and can usually spot the tactics used by those who perform these schemes. 

It is crucial to think about how technology can play a negative role in an individual's life. During our class discussion when Prof. Smith launched the final blog post, a search result from Google Scholar caught my eye: “The Paradox of Tik Tok Anti-Pro-Anorexia Videos: How Social Media Can Promote Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Anorexia.” In this moment, I realized that the harmful effect a relationship with technology can have with individuals who suffer disordered eating is often overlooked, and can be extremely harmful. Heavily edited images that display unrealistic bodies are constantly uploaded to platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Social media allows users to easily access content including weight loss tips, diet challenges, purging techniques and “body-checking” videos. According to Good Morning America, a recent report from the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a nonprofit organization, found that within 30 minutes of a 13-year-old joining TikTok, the teen was being recommended content tied to eating disorders. Some content creators attempt to make social media a positive part of those recovering from eating disorders by creating "Let's eat together" videos. In these videos, users are invited to have a meal with the creator who encourages them through each bite.

It is imperative to reflect on my relationship with technology to identify its role in my daily life and the lives of those around me. Finding a healthy balance with my relationship with technology’s positives and negatives is crucial to benefit my daily life and in maintaining my well-being in this digital age. 

Blog #11 EOTO 2

As a member of Group 3, the theories group, High Point University student Gabrielle Valkner informed me about the Spiral of Silence Theory. According to Gabrielle, "The Spiral of Silence Theory is a communication theory proposed by German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in 1974 (which) explains how public opinion is formed and how it affects individuals' willingness to speak up or remain silent on certain issues. It is based on the idea that people have a natural tendency to seek acceptance and approval from others, and that this desire can lead to the suppression of unpopular opinions." 

I had never heard of this theory before Gabrielle's presentation. She described this theory in a way that was easily understandable for the audience. I believe this theory is true, as I agree that people are more likely to stay quiet when they hold the minority opinion because they are nervous to be isolated, however, those with a majority opinion are more willing to speak up because they feel more comfortable and confident in their position. During the presentation, I wondered how many fantastic ideas have been lost throughout history because the great inventor was afraid to speak out due to fear of isolation. If our culture does not encourage free thinking, we are doing ourselves a disservice and not allowing ideas to flow freely. I thought the graphics Gabrielle used (pictured below) were a great visualization of this theory. 

The presentation was very valuable. It began by describing the theory presented. Then encouraged its viewers to foster open dialogue and create safe spaces for those who hold different opinions. It is crucial that we remember the importance of encouraging open dialogue in a culture of respect and inclusivity so that all voices are heard and minority opinions are not marginalized. I am happy that Gabrielle's presentation introduced me to this fascinating theory.