Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Blog #11 EOTO 2

As a member of Group 3, the theories group, High Point University student Gabrielle Valkner informed me about the Spiral of Silence Theory. According to Gabrielle, "The Spiral of Silence Theory is a communication theory proposed by German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in 1974 (which) explains how public opinion is formed and how it affects individuals' willingness to speak up or remain silent on certain issues. It is based on the idea that people have a natural tendency to seek acceptance and approval from others, and that this desire can lead to the suppression of unpopular opinions." 

I had never heard of this theory before Gabrielle's presentation. She described this theory in a way that was easily understandable for the audience. I believe this theory is true, as I agree that people are more likely to stay quiet when they hold the minority opinion because they are nervous to be isolated, however, those with a majority opinion are more willing to speak up because they feel more comfortable and confident in their position. During the presentation, I wondered how many fantastic ideas have been lost throughout history because the great inventor was afraid to speak out due to fear of isolation. If our culture does not encourage free thinking, we are doing ourselves a disservice and not allowing ideas to flow freely. I thought the graphics Gabrielle used (pictured below) were a great visualization of this theory. 

The presentation was very valuable. It began by describing the theory presented. Then encouraged its viewers to foster open dialogue and create safe spaces for those who hold different opinions. It is crucial that we remember the importance of encouraging open dialogue in a culture of respect and inclusivity so that all voices are heard and minority opinions are not marginalized. I am happy that Gabrielle's presentation introduced me to this fascinating theory. 

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